In difficult and challenging situations, how can you help others?
How can you "come alongside" others with grace and truth? Learn essential tools that help in friendships, mentoring, discipling, small group leading, parenting....and more!
Come learn practical tools to:
speak up in ways that reduce defensiveness
remain calm in conflict or disagreement
build bridges of understanding & cooperation
Read more information about this course here!
Speaking the Truth In Love • Saturday, February 19, 2021
When? Saturday, February 19, 9:00am-5:30pm EST
Where? In-person at Mariemont Community Church in Cincinnati --OR-- online via Zoom
How Much? Whatever freewill offering you can affort (a $100 value)
Note: This class is for students in North America. For other locations, we invite you to consider our International School of Service program.
For more information contact
Registration Form
Please note: each person will need to register separately.